Walking Form Good FormWalking with good form and posture will reduce the likelihood of injury, prevent most back pain, and contribute to proper full breathing. - Always stand straight up
- Keep you head up
- Suck in your stomach
- Walk with a rolling motion - strike the ground first with your heel, rolling through the step from heel to toe
Start SwingingSwinging your arms properly can lend power to your walking and burn 5 - 10% more calories. When swinging your arms remember to: - Bend your elbows 90 degrees
- Loosen your hands to a curl, don't clench
- Bring your opposite arm to your foot straight forward, never diagonal
- Bring your opposite arm straight back as your foot goes back
- Keep you elbows close to your body
- Avoid using hand or ankle weights as they can put pressure on your joints
StretchingStretching can be part of an appropriate cool-down after you exercise. If you choose to stretch, it should be done above and beyond the recommended 150 minutes of physical activity per week. The following video offers some suggestions and tips on ways to stretch. This is for informational purposes only and is not meant to replace individualized recommendations from a professional. View the video | |