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  Nova Scotia Egg Produccers 


Types of Walking

There are many different types of walking you can enjoy. You can mix it up a little with one of the following:

Indoor Walking

Nova Scotia has indoor walking tracks across the province.

If you have an indoor walking track to be added to this map, please email us at [email protected]

Speed walking

Increase the speed of your walking to a comfortable pace without losing your walking form. You should breathe normally and pump your arms for an added aerobic workout. Be sure you're ready for this level of intensity and start with short bursts at first.

Climb walking

The most intense form of walking is going up-hill or climbing stairs. With climb walking, increase your intensity gradually to become comfortable with the level of activity. It's a good idea to perform additional stretches before you start, as climb walking puts extra strain on the stomach, buttock, lower back and leg muscles.

Water walking

The resistance provided by walking in a pool greatly increases the difficulty to move. Water walking is an intense workout with less strain on the joints.

Leisure walking

Explore your community, province and natural environment. Hike a marked trail by yourself or with your family. Vacation days are a great time to schedule a walking adventure.

Winter walking

Winter walking is an exercise that's worth warming up to. It's important to be active in the winter months and continue your progress. The key to walking in this season is preparation.

  • Pick your path ahead of time
  • Dress to keep warm, dry and safe
  • Start slow and take it easy
  • Walk with friends
  • Pay attention to conditions and watch for slippery paths

Nordic walking

Nordic walking uses specifically designed poles to engage the upper body during fitness walking. Nordic walking was first used as a summer training method by cross-country skiers. Nordic walking is excellent training for people who are looking for an outdoor sport, with less impact on the body than running. It takes your walk to the next level, burning more calories and using more muscles.

You can find lots more info about Noric walking, also called "urban poling", by searching the internet.