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  Nova Scotia Egg Produccers 


Welcome to Walkabout in your Community!

Here, you'll find everything you'll need to know and more about organizing, promoting, and leading a walking group in your community.

The Walkabout Leader toolkit includes...

• A Leader Handbook with tips about how to run a successful group
• A Leader Personal Action Plan to help you plan what steps to take or organize a group
• A Website Tutorial Guide to make the most of our exciting website
• A power Point presentation to help spread the word about your group
• Poster Templates in high-colour and low-colour versions to help you promote your group
• Email message templates to help you promote your group and keep participants motivated
• A Goal Setting Worksheet to help your participants stay motivated
• A Participation Certificate template to reward your participants

• A Steps Conversion Chart to convert other activities into an equivalent number of steps to facilitate fun contests or challenges