Pine Grove Park

Pine Grove Park
1,438 Steps
1.15 km

Walked this Route


Time: 0.24 Hours
Distance: 1.15km
Steps: 1438 Steps
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Walking in the Footsteps

Notes: Acadia First Nation

History: Located in the District of Kespukwitk (“end of flow”) in the traditional territory of Mi’kma’ki, the Pine Grove Trail is a one and a half km trail with a multitude of loops within the Pine Grove Park. The trail offers stunning views of the Mersey River—a major transportation route of the Mi’kmaq people of Nova Scotia—as well as gorgeous rhododendron and azalea gardens. The trail is also located near the Sipuke’l Gallery (Gallery Beside the River), which houses 10,000 year old artifacts from the Mersey River. This trail includes various elevation levels with moderate slopes that make it an excellent trail for all skill levels.

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