Walking Routes


Find places to walk in Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia has many routes, paths, in-door tracks and trails that are perfect for walking. One of the features of the Heart&Stroke Walkabout website is a directory of walking routes in Nova Scotia. These routes have been added by individuals, workplace and community walking groups, and the Heart&Stroke Walkabout team.

We regularly feature walking routes from around the province.

You can also check out this list of indoor walking tracks if you’re looking for a place to walk inside.

Route Directory

Find a route to walk in your community.  This list of walking routes includes maps of:

  • Routes recommended by walking groups
  • Routes and trails created by Nova Scotians for leisure walking, or for commuting to and from work

Each map includes distance (KM/Miles), approximate number of steps for the route, approximate time to complete, information on amenities along the way, and a rating of difficulty by the creator of the route. Click on the route name to see map and details. You can also search by location or community.

Can’t find a route in your community?

Become a Walkabout member, it’s free to join, and gain instant access to more routes added by other members or create your own. Looking for a public trail in Nova Scotia? Check out the Nova Scotia Trails directory or Hike Nova Scotia

Disclaimer: Publicizing routes on the Heart&Stroke Walkabout website may increase the occurrence of walkers on identified routes. Routes added by individual members have not been reviewed or endorsed by the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Participants choose to walk these routes at their own risk. The Heart and Stroke Foundation does not assume any liability for any injury or loss suffered by participants who use these routes.

Sponsored By:

  • Heart and Stroke Foundation
  • NS Gov
  • CTV